

Monday, July 26, 2010

almost there

Well, we have the documents from KY and are two forms away from being completed with our end of the home study. I beg for your prayers as our family has been bombarded with attacks from the enemy continuously as we press forward with this journey. Since mid June we have suffered the following: one third degree burn, one brown recluse spider bite, a ruptured ear drum, a lightening strike on our home that destroyed about 3000$ worth of merchandise, two destroyed cell phones by different accidents, damage to our vehicle, and several more personal attacks i cant share.
But as i write this I am also reminded that we have experienced some amazing blessings as well. God has placed such good people in our lives  and i am reminded that for every pitfall there have been 20 or 30 precious moments.
School is around the corner, and I fear with the extra demands our adoption will take the back burner. Pray I can continue to follow Gods lead and keep focused on what he would have me focus on daily. He is moving physical and emotional mountains in this household and I know he will be faithful to help us complete the good work he has began in us.
We love you all.
Kasey and Ben